Hostage – Casting Update

Hostage – Casting update (Renee)
What does “Spider-Man”, “Help Me, Help You,” and “Squid Man” all have in common. They all have the remarkable talents of Robyne Parrish in them. We have found our Renee. That’s right, Robyne has agreed to play the character of Renee in The Hostage.
Who is Renee in the story?
I am not going to explain the relationship Renee has to the other characters. Instead I would like to explain my excitement in having Robyne in the cast and the important role her character plays.
The character of Renee keeps the outside world and the chaos of the hostage’s main story linked. Her involvement in the story is an extra pressure on the situation and Renee in some way puts the world in context. Imagine Jaws without the town. It is just a version of a show you may see during Shark Week on National Geographic (guys on a boat hunting a shark). The town gives context outside the immediate threat and grounds the characters in reality. That is the character of Renee and the important part Robyne will play in this movie.
Here is a link to Robyne’s IMDB page.